• Adriana Riles
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Internet
  • Improving my language skills.

  • Very much so. The teachers were great and the classes dynamicz

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Nothing

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Sonya
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • su internet
  • migliorare la mia conversazione e la comprensione

  • in buona parte

  • Nelle ultime due settimane, le letture delle conversazioni sono state meno efficienti rispetto alle prime settimane. la settimana scorsa c'era troppa differenza di livello tra gli studenti e le lezioni per me erano noiose, questa settimana ci sono troppi partecipanti anche se corrisponde al numero massimo di studenti e di conseguenza è molto rumoroso e non si può concentrarsi

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • per me sarebbe più sensato avere classi leggermente più piccole (8 studenti): è molto più efficace per l'apprendimento, anche se significa pagare un po' di più.

  • Si
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Ho trovato la vostra scuola molto buona, molto amichevole e “familiare”. l'atmosfera è fantastica e gli insegnanti che ho avuto erano fantastici, un ringraziamento speciale a Maria e Stefania che sono assolutamente eccezionali.
    Questa esperienza è stata per me assolutamente meravigliosa e proficua e ringrazio tutto lo staff per il loro impegno e la loro gentilezza e consiglierei la vostra scuola senza esitazione.

  • Line Grølsted
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Google
  • I was expecting a very basic course where i could learn from the beginning how to build a sentence and start a conversation

  • The output of the course and the intensive classes where everybody had time to speak

  • Tonly thing is that you get thrown into a class that has been going on for a week or more and therefore dont necesarily get the basics first. But i understand its difficult with people starting every week

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Deborah Fineman
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Ho cercato sull’Internet per scuole d’Italiano per stranieri.
  • Essere completamente immersa nella lingua, approfondire sia la grammatica che il lessico. Anche incontrare studenti di altri paesi.

  • È stata un’esperienza ottima. Giuliana e Nazzarena sono bravissime – le loro attività erano creative, coinvolgenti e divertenti. Mi è piaciuto molto conoscere e discutere con gli altri studenti, e ho imparato cose interessanti da loro. Ho anche apprezzato le attività le sere e l’opportunità di conoscere studenti delle altre classi. E grazie a Marco per le belle passeggiatte!

  • Mi sarebbe piaciuto avere più consigli per parlare con richezza e sfumatura. Lavorare in coppie o piccoli gruppi ci ha permesso di parlare più lungo – è stata una buona pratica. Però così non abbiamo ricevuto tante correzzioni o suggerimenti per come migliorare.

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Per le due lezioni supplementari martedì e giovedì pomeriggio, c’erano troppi studenti – è stato difficile di discutere con la professoressa. Sarebbe stato meglio d’avere più insegnanti nella sala, o di ridurre il numero di studenti nel gruppo.

  • Per chi ha le lezioni alle 11:15-12:45 e alle 1:15-2:45, la pausa non basta per mangiare, soprattutto se la prima lezione finisce un po’ tardi. Sarebbe possibile d’avere una pausa più lunga?

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Mi sarebbe piaciuto avere più opportunità di discutere con madrelingui, non soltanto con gli altri studenti. Forse la scuola potrebbe organizzare una serata con la gente locale?

  • Melchior Kehrli
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Mia madre ha frequentato un corso di lingua presso la Scuola Cultura Italiana di Bologna circa 25 anni fa 😉
  • Aspettavo di poter parlare molto.

  • Le mie aspettative sono state superate!

  • c'e niente che potrebbe essere meglio.

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Niente!

  • Grazie mille per tutto! Non pensava che imparare l‘italiano potrebbe essere cosi divertente!

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • No!

  • Tornero! Grazie mille per i due settimane!

  • Alicia Streets
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • From a man in a coffee shop.
  • I expected to learn the basics.

  • I learnt the basics in a well-structured, comprehensive way.

  • N/a

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Perhaps a little more training for newer teachers to build confidence. (But that was just the experience of one teacher, one time.)

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • No complaints. I’m just wondering if there is a way to practice speaking more.

  • Kathrin Laubacher
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • A friend of mine was here many years ago and suggested this school ( sorry I cannot write in Italian as my keyboard does not accept Italian words)
  • That I can refresh the language
    A small class with intensive learning
    Excursion with the groups

  • I could refresh my Italian and have spent one full day in Italian language (95%) and I also spent an evening with local Zontians only in Italian language
    I have made progress in grammar as well.

  • For me the class was too big, I expected it to be smaller and more intensive.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Smaller classes ( maybe this costs a bit more, but I would benefit also more)

  • The teachers are good in explaining a lot, this was great.

  • Si
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • No complaint

  • I go home in a good mood

  • Martin Meyer
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Internet, Friend
  • to start to learn a new language.
    I wanted to do it in a short and intensive way, to achieve a good progress.

  • The beginning is done. But I will have a long way to go to speak italian.
    The cours correspond very well to my expectations.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • In the first week, the "approfondimento e fissazione grammaticale" was a very good supply for me, to get helb with mio compiti. It would be nice if you could offer such a supply not only once a week. In the second week, the "approfondimento e fissazione grammaticale" was a "normal" lesson with new content. Maybe that was because of the public holiday on monday.
    So my "advice" or idea for improvement is: two or three times a week, in the afternoon, an optional offer for individual exercise and consolidation.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Google Search
  • To make a quick review of grammar, and to develop speaking skills

  • Grammar review was not quick but was rather detailed. Took some time to understand the method of the school.
    I liked that there were a lot of activities outside the school building. This was beyond my expectations.
    Environment was very friendly and fun, again beyond my expectations.

  • I would have liked to practice more with listening to dialogues, and repeating dialogues, rather than free conversation which was encouraged. I think free conversation is more suitable for those who already speak Italian well.

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • It may help to give students a structure of the week, and lessons before hand.

  • Si
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Beatrice Lackner
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • From a earlier student
  • I had expected to improove my knowledges of the Italian language and to loose my fear to speak Italian.

  • I think that I can talk Italian better and I improoved my gramatical knowledges.

  • Sometimes I missed the improvement from the teacher.

  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Bonnie Dykes
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • It was discovered by my daughter who invited me to attend with her.
  • Hard work, but progress in my Italian learning.

  • My Italian certainly improved. The school was more fun and varied than I expected, with plenty of extra activities and opportunities to use my Italian.

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Anne
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Found you by googling
  • Professionalism, a relaxed atmosphere, students from many different countries, attention to the needs of individual students

  • All over, it has corresponded well

  • It is a challenge to introduce new students every week - as a newcomer I would expect a more detailed introduction to the way of working, how to find homework online etc.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • The physical conditions in the school are charming, but challenging - some of the rooms are too small for 10-12 students. Some of the rooms have a real bad acustic. It might be a good idea to improve the physical sorroundings and upgrade the furniture as well as the screens, that are way too small for everybody to have a good view.

  • The conversation lessons could in my opinion be made more relevant with more subjects on Italian culture, history and way of life etc.

  • Si
  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Britta
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • I searched the net for language schools in Bologna.
  • I expected to learn the language and meet nice people.

  • Basically, it was what I expected.

  • I didn't think the stay would be so exhausting for me, but that's not the fault of the school.

  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Perhaps it would be good to make sure that communication between host and student is possible in terms of language, if that's possible. For me, this was quite difficult, especially in advance, and especially at my last accommodation. But maybe that also had personal reasons. That's why I didn't feel very comfortable. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the correct address or house number is actually passed on. On Sunday, when I arrived, I was standing in front of the wrong front door and was only able to find the right address with the help of locals.

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Anika
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Esl
  • Imparare la grammatica e la comunicazione in italiano

  • Temi grammatica interessante e adatto al mio livello (passato remoto, periodi ipotetici)

  • Corso di conversazione era troppo affolato (8 persone) e dunque non era possibile di parlare molto. Tuttavia penso che sarebbe meglio avere copie (fogli) invece di leggere tutto con smartphone e laptop.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Reasonable
  • Informare più sulle stanze per i studenti (come sono arredate, misura, che sono condivisi, che cosa sono le regole per vivere insieme). Informare più che cosa significa "scuola senza carta". Fare il corsi di comunicazione in piccole gruppi o privato.

  • Offrire anche stanze fuori centro historico (per esempio 30 min a piedi) per persone che non vogliono condividere un appartamento.

  • No
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Saskia
  • One-to-one Course
  • Cultura Italiana was recommended to me by the Italian Cultural Institute in Cologne
  • I wanted to learn grammar and practise communication

  • The course met all my expectations and I really enjoyed it.

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • It would be nice if the lesson dates could be planned further in advance.

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Peter
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Online
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Consiglierei che la scuola creassi un gruppo di Whatsapp per ogni classe/livello oltre al gruppo generale per tutti che e' troppo grande per promuovere le interazioni informali e sociali tra gli studenti.

  • Si
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Klaus
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Ci sono gia stato qualche anni fa
  • ameliolare il mio nivello in lingua , trovare altre persone per attivitá congiunte.

  • La vita soziale e molto bene! Tutti gli impiegati sonno molto simpatico e gentile!

  • Per me, le corse potrebbero essere un pò piu intensivo.

  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • I passegiate in città e in campagnia erano una buonissima idea. Communque sono andati molto veloce e avo problemi di sentire le spiegazione moltissimo interessante die Massimo. Aspettete per favore un pò. 😉

  • Si
  • Good
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Marcel
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Linguista, Language School Agency
  • To increase my italian and gain confidence in speaking/interacting with customers i have on the job. (Business language is English, but for smalltalk and simple problems, i wanted to speak italian.

  • 10/10. i can now understand the language way better. Especially my grammar improved and my vocabulary has gotten wider.

  • I think my expectations were realistic, so nothing which didn’t correspond.

  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Reasonable
  • Moderate
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • One thing to mention; some of the students were not as motivated, which lead to an unproductive atmosphere in class. I am aware, that this is adult education, but i think some students would have needed a bit more discipline…

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Reasonable
  • Excellent
  • No, I enjoyed my time in Cultura Italiana very much. It was a joy to work with teachers that are motivated and full of energy!( despite the fact written above)
    Grazie Mille!!

  • Tatiana
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Online search
  • I expected to have classes in the format that they were offered. I had the expectation of extra curricular activities.

  • The school did a great job of managing the constant flow of students. The communication on the first day of school was clear. Directions were appropriate. I was appreciative of them working with me in order to find the right fit for my level of grammar and expression.

    I loved my individual classes with Emil 🙂 this is where I had the most opportunity to talk and have conversations. Marina and Stefania were great teachers. Loved both. Marina was so funny; so fashionable too hehe!

  • While all of the extracurricular activities involved students and it was a great way to meet students from different parts of the world, I wish there had been opportunities (like on the walk, aperitivo, etc) to mingle with local italian people. Speaking Italian with students was fun, but speaking and getting to know locals is an added level of cool opportunity.

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • I think the online website can be difficult to navigate. Especially when there are classes like A1.2 and A2.2. Things can be mixed up easily. At times, compiti was placed under activity, so that made things harder to find things. The website in general could be worked on with a better access and flow.

  • The talk on vegetables was very outdated. The teacher talked about mediterranean diet and the food pyramid, and clearly everything she said was outdated. Maybe just an advice to talk about up-to-date topics during those opportunities.

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Sometimes older people in courses can take over conversations, which makes it difficult for others to speak. The teachers did a good job managing those situations though, but still an overall challenge.

  • Website could use some easier navigation

  • Victoria
  • Intensive Course 6-12 people
  • Internet
  • Impare italiao in una bella citta

  • Tutti! Me per sono due settimane bellisimo e molto istruttivo. Mi piace l'atmosfera italiana e internazionale.

  • Sono molto contento, il corso e buona e tutti persone sono molti gentile

  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
  • In conversatione vorrei parlare meno di cibo e cucina. Argomenti più generali sarebbero più interessanti.

  • Si
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Good
  • Excellent
  • Excellent
More feedbacks
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