観光客とではなくイタリア人と、 ボローニャでイタリア語を学ぶ

クルトゥーラ イタリアーナはイタリア語の普及に特化したトップレベルの学校であり、イタリア語を教える学校としてイタリア政府から認証を受けた最初の学校です。本校の授業は、優れた教育プログラムやその教育結果を背景に、VISAの所得や大学の単位としても認められています。また、ヨーロッパで最初の大学(1088年)であるボローニャ大学をはじめ、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、日本の40の大学と教育研究提携を結んでいます。大学やイタリア文化会館と共同でイベント(講演会、展示会、セミナー)を開催しています。



1 週 330
2 週 605
3 週 880
4 週 1155



25 レッスン/週, 6-12 人数/クラス
10 課外活動の時間/週
2 宿題に要する時間/日
25 時間/週 (各45分 )




  • シングル: € 157 (1週 )
  • ダブル: € 110 (1人/週)
  • コース開始日

    各コースは毎週月曜日に始まり、事前に選択した最終週の金曜日に終了します。 ヨーロッパ共通の祭日は、休校となります。



    本校ではイタリア語のみを教えており、他の言語は教えていないため、完全にイタリア語に没頭することができます。授業やイタリア人とのコミュニケーションを通して、4技能全て(話す、聞く、読む、書く)を学ぶことができます。 私たちが話すイタリア語は、英語や観光客による他の言語に影響されていない、イタリア人が使用する本物の綺麗なイタリア語です。本校の学生は、イタリア語を短期間で習得するためにこの学校を選んでいます。イタリア語に魅かれてイタリア語を学ぶ学生もいれば、ビジネスや大学進学のために学ぶ学生、その他専門的、文化的、芸術的、美的な理由からイタリア語を学ぶ学生もいます。 また、本校の位置するボローニャはある統計によると、活気・文化的生活・コンサート・食事など、生活の質が高く、多くのイタリア人が住みたいと思う人気のある街です。 私たちと共にイタリア語を学んでみませんか?



    10 11月 2023

    Bologna città speciale. La dotta (la prima università), la rossa (case, portici e torri di mattoni rossi), la grassa (ricca cucina)

    Lecture held by director Massimo Maracci “Bologna città speciale. La dotta (prima università), (case, portici e torri di mattoni rossi), la grassa (ricca cucina)” at Associazione Italo Giapponese Tokyo


    • イタリア語とそこでの生活は未だあるべき姿
    • クルトゥーラ・イタリアーナは成果を保証
    • プログラムは明確で、チェックされている
    • コース2週間受講後
    • 目標が明らか
    • 教師は平均で5年の経験を持つ
    • 費用とそれによって得られる成果
    • 見学、散策、歴史、芸術そしてイタリア人の友達
    • イタリア人のように生活する



    • ボローニャで生活する
    • 生活コスト
    • 衣服
    • 外食
    • 交通機関
    • 週末
    • 展覧会やコンベンション
    • 夜の過ごし方
    • 博物館
    • 公園
    • 市場
    • ショッピング
    • 料理




    イタリアでイタリア語を学ぶには、適切な都市を選ぶことが重要です。観光客が少なく、ヨーロッパで最も古い大学であるボローニャが最適な場所です。 文化イタリアーナの一流の場所も重要です。 レッスン後はレジャープログラムを楽しんだり、学校の外でイタリア語を学ぶことができます。 ここでは、イタリア語学校と中世の街の写真、そしてレッスン後の 2 つのアクティビティをご覧いただけます。

    イタリアの社交生活: イタリア人との食前酒。
    丘の風景: 公園の散歩。
    イタリアの社交生活: イタリア人との食前酒。


    ボローニャの学校の授業は活気があって面白いです。 イタリアでイタリア語を学ぶ方法に関するビデオを見ることで、さらにモチベーションを高めることができます。 ここでのレッスンは異なり、あなたの国のイタリア語レッスンよりも刺激的です。

    上は、Cultura Italianaのクラスで本格的なイタリア語を練習するために生徒たちが考案した演劇です。

    カルトゥーラ イタリアーナ ボローニャについての学生の感想

    Excellent4.8 Based on 63 reviews fromThomas F.Thomas F. ★★★★★ Ich hatte kurzfristig Einzelunterricht gebucht. Die Schulleitung war sehr flexibel und hat gute, motivierte Lehrkräfte. Auch werden viele spannende Nebenaktivitäten organisiert (Führungen, Kochkurse).Response from the ownerGrazie Thomas, sei molto gentile! Siamo felici di sapere che sei stato bene a Cultura Italiana. Ti aspettiamo! adriana R.adriana R. ★★★★★ Cultura Italiana is a wonderful school to learn Italian and improve communication skills. Being a language teacher myself, I was very impressed by the quality of the teachers. The classes are dynamic. The teachers have a good way to facilitate conversation and explain grammar. The atmosphere in class is encouraging the student to speak and making it fun in the process. The location in the old town cannot be beat.Response from the ownerGrazie mille Adriana! È stato un vero piacere conoscerti e aiutarti con l'italiano. A presto! Steff E.Steff E. ★★★★★ This is a wonderful language school in a beautiful city. The staff are amazing and always so helpful making sure that you are in the class that suits you.It's not all classroom based - there are walks, talks, extra lessons, park activities and the all important aperitivo.Response from the ownerGrazie mille Stefano! Sappiamo che sei sempre in prima linea per l'aperitivo! Ti aspettiamo prestissimo 😉 Christiane S.Christiane S. ★★★★★ Hervorragend! Alle sind sehr nett, es fühlt sich an wie ein Besuch bei Freunden. Grazie mille!!!Response from the ownerGrazie mille Christiane! A presto 😊 Corinne B.Corinne B. ★★★★★ Une école sérieuse, très professionnelle, j'ai senti que j'étais soutenue et aidée de manière rapide et efficace que ce soit pour mon inscription, les papiers nécessaires à mon Erasmus, l' arrivée sur Bologne mais aussi bien entendu l'enseignement. Les méthodes sont bien rodées, l'enseignement varié, ludique et de qualité. L'emplacement en plein centre de Bologne est également un grand avantage. Bref, je recommande vivement Cultura Italiana et je vais essayer d'y revenir.Response from the ownerGrazie mille Corinne, le tue parole ci fanno piacere. Ti aspettiamo presto di nuovo a Bologna! Mario V.Mario V. ★★★★★ La scuola Cultura Italiana Bologna, e efficace e molto gradevole.Response from the ownerGrazie mille Mario! È stato un piacere conoscere Theo! Un caro saluto Nuriye O.Nuriye O. ★★★★★ Great place to learn Italian and Italian culture. Fun and study together.Response from the ownerGrazie mille Nuriye! A presto 😉 Georg S.Georg S. ★★★★★ Für mich der beste Ort um italienisch zu lernen. Es waren wundervolle zwei Wochen mit allem drum und dran. Ich habe mich sehr aufgehoben gefühlt ☺️Response from the ownerCiao Georg! Grazie mille per le tue parole, sei molto gentile! A presto 😉 Moira C.Moira C. ★★★★★ I enjoyed a wonderful two weeks of study at Cultura Italiana. The staff are so helpful and friendly, and my entire learning experience at the school was excellent. Bologna is the perfect city to immerse yourself in the language and culture of Italy. I can highly recommend Cultura Italiana Bologna!Response from the ownerGrazie Moira! Siamo felici di averti conosciuta. Ti aspettiamo di nuovo a Bologna 😊 Bonnie D.Bonnie D. ★★★★★ The course was rigorous with excellent teachers. They also made it such fun. You will make great strides in your language learning.Response from the ownerGrazie Bonnie, un abbraccio! Jules D.Jules D. ★★★★★ Cultura Italiana was an incredible experience. I can't say enough good things about their wonderful teachers and administrative staff. Everyone was so helpful and encouraging. I still have quite a ways to go on my learning journey, but am confident I will be returning for more instruction from this wonderful group of people. I highly recommend to anyone wanting to dedicate time and energy to this beautiful language.Response from the ownerCarissima Jules, grazie mille a te e alla splendida energia che tu e la tua famiglia avete portato a scuola! Vi aspettiamo di nuovo 😊 Graciela O.Graciela O. ★★★★★ Excelente!! Las clases son muy dinámicas y los profesores siempre atentos y apoyándote para mejorar.Ha sido una experiencia excepcional para mi compartir con compañeros de otras nacionalidades.Toda una experiencia que quisiera se vuelva a repetir!!!Muchas gracias. . . .Response from the ownerCara Graciela, siamo molto felici di averti conosciuta! Grazie per aver partecipato con entusiasmo alle attività 😊 js_loader Excellent5.0 Based on 46 reviews fromZulema Docio HerreroZulema Docio Herrero ★★★★★ la profesionalidad....familiaridad entre alumnos y profesores.
    un ambiente distendido.
    Rosemarie FournierRosemarie Fournier ★★★★★ Je viens de passer six semaines à Cultura Italiana. Six semaines très agréables. L'atmosphère, les profs, les cours, le personnel administratif... Dix sur dix!
    Cultura Italiana, ce ne sont pas seulement des cours d'italien (ce qui est déjà pas mal!), c'est aussi tout un programme culturel facultatif: visites guidées, conférences, cours de cuisine...
    Merci à toute l'équipe! Grâce à vous, j'ai fait la connaissance d'une belle langue et d'une ville magnifique. Je reviendrai...
    Marie-Jeanne van EngelenMarie-Jeanne van Engelen ★★★★★ excellent and interesting presentation on the origins of the Etruscan cities.

    Full house and kept the room engaged throughout the many slides and new information.

    well done!
    Kers TinKers Tin ★★★★★ I highly recommend the Italian language school “Cultura Italiana”: There are excellent teachers, especially Marina Carbone, who integrates grammatical structures into everyday language in such a humorous and awesome way that even grammar is lots of fun! Thank you so much!!
    Furthermore Cultura Italiana offers a variety of great extracurricular activities! The city of Bologna is wonderful - I will definitely return!!👍😃
    Ido SassonIdo Sasson ★★★★★ Extremly Recommended!

    I've been in Cultura Italiana for 2 weeks.
    Before I decided to start studying here, I contacted the school to ask a few questions.
    Federica, the secretary, answered all of my questions in a very good English. She was very nice and even suggested me to join a class before deciding if I want to learn here or not. From this moment I felt that I'm in good hands.

    I arrived for the trial lesson and it really went well so I decided to register.
    The staff helped me to find a good accomendation. Federica, Silvia and Ariana (hope that I'm not wrong with the name) were very gentile, helpful and sensetive to my needs.

    And what can I say about the teachers and the lessons?
    What a great atmosphire we had during the lessons. The teachers are warm, positive and funny. You can really absorbs the Italian culture just in the lessons. I really improved my Italian during my 2-weeks-stay.

    One of the main reasons to that is the social activities we had during every afternoon. We had aperitivos, trips to the near hills and in the city center and also interesting lectures. Everything is in italian. Everything. That's amazing.

    This school is putting a lot of effort that the students will really learn italian but also for enjoying their experience in Bologna.

    Bologna is a very special city. The atmosphire is chill and very authentic. I was really fascinated by it. This school has a big part of my amazing experience in Bologna.

    If you consider to come here, you don't need to consider it anymore. You arrived to the perfect place.

    I want to thank all the staff - Marina, Stefania, Beatrice, Federica, Silvia, Ariana, Francesco and all the others. You all are amazing people. Thank you very much for. I had a great time and you are the reason for it.
    I have no doubt that I'll be back.

    Grazie mille e arrivederci 🙂
    Malena AndénMalena Andén ★★★★★ A very nice and welcoming school with fun classes, engaged teachers, and lots of after school activitiesSandra V. AppenSandra V. Appen ★★★★★ Cultura Italiana is very intensive but it makes a lot of fun although.
    I will recommend it to anyone who would like to learn italian.
    Birgitta Waldebrink-OlssonBirgitta Waldebrink-Olsson ★★★★★ mycket bra nivåanpassad undervisning, trevliga utflykter och en mycket familjär stämningMaria Shubert BarrowMaria Shubert Barrow ★★★★★ I loved my experience at Cultura Italiana Bologna. Two absolutely amazing weeks! If you are on the fence about enrolling, go for it.

    I stayed in an apartment that the school arranged. It was in the city center, and I was pleased with every aspect of my living accommodations and my learning experience. I met great people of all ages, with varying cultural backgrounds. Sometimes we explored the city together, and sometimes I ventured out alone. I felt safe and connected, at every turn. The city is amazing and the school is wonderful.
    Res RickliRes Rickli ★★★★★ Back from two weeks Cultura Italiana in Bologna. I learnt so much in the two weeks - and I believe I never laughed as much as in these two weeks of Cultura Italiana.
    I also higly recommend the interesting excursions and of course the cooking lessons.
    ... and Bologna is a truely wonderful city!
    Rory CrowleyRory Crowley ★★★★★ Bigdou DiaoBigdou Diao ★★★★★
    Marinette, Swizerland


    Mi aspettavo un tuffo nella lingua e nella cultura italiana. Volevo soprattutto rinfrescare le mie conoscenze della grammatica. È stato perfetto, esattamente quello di cui avevo bisogno! Gli insegnanti sono buonis…

    Joseph, Usa


    I want to let you know that my two weeks of language study with Cultura Italiana could not have been any better. It was an absolutely superb program in all respects. Although I still have much to learn, my Italian…

    Andreas, Germania


    Per proteggere gli studenti è meglio evitare le scuole commerciali che organizzano corsi di lingue diverse (inglese, tedesco e italiano) insieme. Consiglio una scuola specializzata, (ce ne sono diverse in Italia)…




    Icona freccia destra Icona freccia sinistra Cultura Italiana Bologna email: info@culturaitaliana.it Cultura Italiana Bologna email: info@culturaitaliana.it Cultura Italiana Bologna Facebook Cultura Italiana Bologna Twitter Cultura Italiana Bologna Instagram Cultura Italiana Bologna youtube File Pdf